List of AccessReal Infrastructure Service Documents:
1. AccessReal Data Backup Recovery Process Flow
Data backup is the result of copying or archiving the digital data so it may be used to restore them in case of data loss or damage. Data backup process provides reliable IT support and service for the production environment in the cloud
2. AccessReal System Monitor Process Flow
Monitor AccessReal infrastructure 24×7 to ensure the services are continuous, and always available without disruption or downtime to the customers. When a failure is detected, administrators can be alerted to take necessary actions.
3. AccessReal Penetration Test Specification
Penetration testing is based on security vulnerabilities that have been discovered by CVE (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) and the potentially hidden bugs.
4. AccessReal System Hardening
An AccessReal system that includes the server, database, middleware, and network devices deploy at the public cloud are inclined to security vulnerability which can be exploited by many complicated threats such as virus attack and others.
5. Malware & Virus Prevention and Treatment
Specify the workflow of protecting AssessReal’s confidentiality, integrity and availability, and how to prevent and treat malware and viruses.
6. Security Patch Update Specification
The system or software that is lack of security patch in time may suffer from attacks, may invite unauthorized access or the system stops working. If worst comes to worst, it may cause information leakage or business stops.
7. System Log Management
The AccessReal log files are time-stamped records of events relevant to AccessReal platform systems (network system, operation system, application system, database and so on).